Mathurin Choblet

Climate data science and Oceanography

Hi, I’m Mathurin! Glad you found my web page.

I’m currently a PhD student in Oceanography at the University of Liège, working on physical-biogeochemical ocean modeling in the MAST group. My research focuses on modeling sediments in the Black Sea of both biogenic and mineral origin.

With a background in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, where I completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, my journey in climate science began during my time at the STACY/Climatology group group. During my master’s, I also had the enriching experience of studying for a year in Spain at the University of Santiago de Compostela as an Erasmus student.

My scientific interests span climate science, numerical modeling, data science, and the efficient application of mathematical methods with computers. I’m passionate about learning and collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds. I firmly believe in the principles of open science, including open access publications, open data and open source software among other aspects.

Apart from science, I enjoy learning languages, reading books and magazines, listening to podcasts and going to the movies.

Feel free to explore my page and get in touch!

My CV can be found here.

Title image: View from Jermuk, Armenia towards Azerbaijan. You can take the cablecar to get on top of one of these grassy hills for having these endless views of no man’s land.